Wednesday, 25 September 2013

The Frapa clips will be offline indefinitely

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Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Situation Update

The Situation

Our Frapa clips are no longer allowed on either YT or DM.  Furthermore, the same copyright holder just today blocked all of our Nadja & Jule clips on YT too. (Both GZSZ and Hinter Gittern were aired by the same broadcaster.) They have clearly decided they want to control their content.


Our Current Plan

Today we are uploading our last two Frapa clips (118 and 119). That way we will have completed the entire storyline. However, we are only leaving them up for 24 hours, so watch them while you can!

An urgent plea to our viewers

Past experience has shown us that when something like this happens, 
some people feel compelled to try and 'help' us by uploading our clips to other websites.  
Trust us -- this does NOT help! Please do not do it!   
All it does is further jeopardize the situation. 
It endangers possible future options for us, and makes it even 
LESS likely that we will ever be able to re-upload Frapa anywhere.

Our Long Term Plan

We do hope to someday be able to re-post the entire Frapa storyline to our blog, however, it will not be anytime soon. We're very sorry about that and we realize it really sucks for anybody who had only recently found the story, or who didn't get to finish watching it, but that's just the reality of the situation. Now that the clips have been banned from these sites, it will be a long time before they become 'unbanned'.

There's Good News??

Yes! In the meantime, we do have other things for you to watch. If you've never checked them out before, please visit the Watch Our Other Stories tab and also the Navigating Lezsoapia link. Moreover, we will continue to translate new stories for you. We have many other plans on our docket. We will be announcing some of them soon, so be sure to keep an eye on our blogs.

And thank you for bearing with us through all of this. You've been great viewers and fans!

Frapa 119

Sorry, this clip is no longer available

Episode 4023

English translation by utubeere
French translation by Miss Shy
Italian translation by Alterego

Frapa 118

Sorry, this clip is no longer available

Episode 4020

English translation by utubeere
French translation by Miss Shy
Italian translation by Alterego

Friday, 20 September 2013

Clips deleted

As we're sure you've noticed, the Frapa clips aren't displaying anymore, because they've 
been deleted by DM. We are aware of this and are contemplating our next steps. 
We'll keep you posted here, so please check back every once in a while.